Congrats, Grads!
We love capturing each graduates' individuality. Our studios offer a wide variety of print options and photo card designs for your graduation announcements, open house invitations, and thank you cards. View our senior gallery, photography backgrounds, and our blog article Congrats! It's Time for Graduation Photos for inspiration. Schedule your senior photo session today!
Outdoor Senior Photos
We offer outdoor photography in some areas so consider having an in-studio and outdoor session for variety. Find a park near you.
Props and Outfits
Your images should reflect who you are! Below are some ideas for customizing your senior photo shoot with outfit changes and props:
- A casual and formal outfit
- Cap and gown
- Sports equipment or uniform
- Letter jacket
- Musical instrument
- Prom dress/suit
- You can even bring your parents, siblings, pet, best friends, boyfriend, or girlfriend to be in your photos!
Style Tip #1: Pick clothing with simple colors and styles, then pair with your fav shoes for full-length photos.
Style Tip #2: Choose dark colored clothing for black-and-white and formal-looking photography.
Hair and Makeup
We recommend your hair and make-up styles stay close to your everyday routine. Light, natural-looking, and fresh make-up is best for professional photos. Avoid getting your hair cut less than a week before your session.